1. Diet - I've been adding more meals per day and ensuring that I get at least three food meals and I aim for 50g of protein per meal.
Tomorrow I'm going to institute a new change. I'll be taking two real food meals to work with me.
My day will look like this:
1. 2 whole eggs, 6 egg whites
2. 7oz Chicken Breast, 2 scoops of PB, 40z of asparagus
3. 7oz Chicken Breast, 2 scoops of PB, 40z of asparagus
4. 2 scoops of Evopro Protein powder, 2 scoops of PB
5. Tuna + Veggies (undecided which yet)
6. (PWO) 2 scoops of Evopro, 2 scoops of PB.
Today I trained shoulders like a beast and I've figured out something. You have to be intentional about your workout - forget all of the weakness that enters your mind telling you that you don't want to finish the training. Forget all of the excuses that plague you. Get in there and truly focus on each exercise. Look in the mirror and imagine yourself reaching your goals - envision that body you've been fighting for. Then and only then will you break through your plateau. Make it count every time and the goals will slowly come into reach.
I'm going to post some progress pics on this blog moving forward. I want there to be proof that the 10x3 system is the real deal.
Long life the best life - short live the waste.